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Balance Board

It really doesn't get any easier than this gross motor activity, a balance board!


flat board


tape (for creating a balancing space on the ground if you do not have a board)

Place the board somewhere flat or tape off a board size section of the ground. Demonstrate how to balance by placing on foot in from of the other. Walk slowly across the board then encourage your child to try. They mall fall off, just encourage them to get back on try again.

After they have done it slowly walk across it faster and encourage them to do the same. See how fast they can get across while trying to keep their balance. If you want to add an additional challenge lay a couple blocks on the board for them to step over. I walked across first with the blocks and with a very big exaggerated step I stepped over the black and back onto the board. This encourages them to take a larger step and increases the difficulty to stay balanced.

As a bonus Finn enjoyed lining the blocks onto the board so we were able to talk about colors and use some small motor skills to line up the blocks. It also later become a cool racetrack for his toy cars. We tried to see how far we could roll them on the board from one end.


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